Friday, November 30, 2007

thing 23

Done, almost: The questions.

  1. What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
I enjoyed the downloadable books, Flickr was interesting
  1. How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
It gives me more tools to cope with this computer laden world!
  1. Were there any take-aways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you? Yes, how much time goes by while one plays with ones computer! One must watch so that this addiction doesn't overcome the real world
  2. What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?And last but not least…I would gear this for more appropriate library activities.

  1. If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you again chose to participate? Sure
  2. How would you describe your learning experience in a few words or a few sentences, so we can share our successes and promote this program? Interesting. It made me do some things I normally wouldn't do! In all it was a new tool to experiment with.

thing 22

Amazing. Project Guttenberg is great, I loved the selection of stories.......but...two things!

1. The computer read stories haven't progressed past HAL! One has trouble listening.

2. I did listen to Edgar Rice Burroughs A PRINCESS OF MARS! Now, ERB was from the good old US of A, Chicago to be exact...then he founded his own town in the LA Area, Tarzana...but the book, about a Virginia Gentleman who goes to Barsoom (Mars to the uninitiated)...well John Carter should have a Southern Accent...what do we have reading the book? A fellow with a Brit accent with Germanic all loses something in the translation!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

thing 21

The ninja and the art blog
were looked at today
it was about as tasty
as a big hog
served on a tray!

I did my duty, and saw it done
and looked and played and
tried to have some fun!

But I have put it all aside
and quit it every bit and all
before I get a headache
and suffer from computer pall!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

thing 20

Wow, I found a 1970s Budweiser commercial that I sent to some of my, likewise "old friends". Loved thos great polyester clothes...and I'll bet the Bud still tastes as lousy as it did then!

You tube is very entertaining. I was asked if it had any library utility...I'm sure it does around 4 pm when you are bored out of your mind with nothing to do....but want to have the boss think you are working on something! Youtube it baby! Better than solitaire!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

thing 19

2.0...well...I found a color site! A gane site with games that would have wasted a lot of time....hmm, do you want to pay for gaming? And a site for clothing not worn by many people I know...stripper clothing! One could waste a lot of time with that too!

thing 18

Using googledocs as an in house spread sheet might make annual budgeting easier if everyone could see the direction it was going. Great help too in getting out information from departments. I can see this as being helpful with updates, etc.

thing 17

This task is done. Sandbox wiki, is that the same as a litterbox....hmmmmm!?

item 16

A wiki is only as good as the people adding the information. As a resource tool for people of like interests, specific literature, art, etc it is great. If it is a one person wiki it is nothjing more than an editorial page for that person and the information can be slanted or totally incorrect.

If you choose to use a wiki as a starting point for a project or interest, fine. To make sure the information is correct more research will have to be done. Libraries, librarians and the information they have available may be a bit less "tainted"!

A wiki is a toolo like any other tool. Used incorrectly it can hurt you.

Thing 15

In regards to 2.0. In essence, nothing new to libraries. We, libraries, have had to continually adapt to changes in technology, culture, pop-culture and in general world trends. We do it well. We are still the best bang for your buck in town we just have to sell this concept(again). Where else can you get any information as free as in your library?illo

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thing 14

I am pasting the following which if found via technorati! A comment follows!

"My plan this evening was to write a beautifully coherent post about many of the websites, tools, and strategies that I’ve heard about at Internet Schools West the last two days. But just as I was starting to write, there was an earthquake here in Monterey, so I had to leave the room and sit downstairs for awhile. "

Most evenings, as a Library Director I have things to do! Attend meetings, schmooze or generally have a good time with friends and family. Why in the world would I want to spend the evening writing "blogerisms!"

thing 13

Do not find this particularly user friendly it has created a problem in my collective memory of passwords! This one can be easily blown off!

Thing 12

Great information for my particular interest!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

thing 11

Good librarian originally banned these books!

thing 10

Whoopee...I created a Yahoo Avatar...genuinely doesn't do much. I think he swears!

Thing 9

Wow...I registered for one more thing and I got to find out about the Ruth Enlow Library.

I am moving forward! Go Merlin...where's Arthur?

thing 8

Hey...I can find whs happening with the art world!

thing seven

How do I feel today! This tech stuff is wasting a good bit of budget is much more important...but one needs their credits doesn't one! The Prince is a painting at home, by the way!


Thing Six

My creation
Originally uploaded by illoart
I made this poster almost on Halloween!

Current Art(thing5)

Check out the people's choice award for Celebrate Chesapeake!

I posted this on FLICKR you may be able to use this for one of your programs in the library!

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Looking for original illustration art! Let me know!